We focus on making sure to proceed in a synchronized manner. Get statements processed daily and send 30-day statements, 60-day statements, & 90-day statements.
Our submission process is done electronically and then carefully reviewed to ensure that the claim will not be denied over clerical errors - with the necessary attachments, including x-rays, documents, and narratives.
Our interactive reporting helps to use your unique account login to view where your practice collections stand. It is diverse and designed to make your office collection progress effortless.
All denied claims are researched and appealed daily by collecting details and all outstanding balances rightfully owed to you as quickly as possible.
We get on track with your outstanding insurance collections and maintain a steady cash flow to support the claim collection management by submitting a daily report with the number of claims worked and collected.
If you’d like to know how we can save you money, outsource your dental billing and improve practice profitability by scheduling a call with us today!
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Do you want to automate your healthcare management and grow your revenue up to 10x? We’re just one click away
898 South State St, Ste 297, Orem, UT 84058